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LEARN4BIRTH: This is our ‘birth story of the month’ because the mother ‘got the birth I wanted’. She followed her instincts, pushed in the best possible position and had a birth partner who encouraged, supported and massaged her throughout the labor The staff were respectful and professional. Not all birth stories are this quick or straightforward but knowledge gave her and her birth partners the skills to aim …..and they sure hit their target. Well Done!
We are happy to announce that our baby boy has made his grand entrance into this world May 3 @ 11:30 AM weighting 9 lbs 12 ounces and almost 22 inches long (Yes BIG baby!) through an all-natural un-medicated delivery just how I wanted. This was our first baby for both of us and I really had no idea how I was going to be able to cope with the pain of labor but the first step was getting rid of the fear just how you explained in the class.
Here is my labor and delivery story:
During my 39 week appointment my mid wife checked me and we found out I was 2cm dilated! I was so happy to hear the news because I though our baby was coming soon but later we found out I was dilated 2cm for a whole week before labor actually began. As the days passed on I was wrapping my head around the idea that maybe I will need to be induced.
On May 3 I was not feeling myself when it was time for bed at around 10 PM. I was feeling moody and sad. I was not able to sleep that whole night. At around 3 AM I had my first (painless) contraction. I waited an hour and kept my eyes on the clock to time them – they did not go away and were very consistent coming every 3-5 minutes lasting 15-30 seconds. The hour passed by and I decided to wake up my husband and tell him “I think it’s time”. So he got up and woke up my mother in law.
As the contractions started getting stronger little by little, I decided to take a hot shower around 5am which really relaxed me. At around 6 AM the contractions had not slowed down so I knew this was it and we decided to take a trip to the hospital in hopes to be dilated enough to get admitted. When arriving at the hospital we found out I was already 5cm dilated!! They got me in my room and I was coping with the pain pretty well. I kept my face and my body relaxed and just let the contraction pass me by. I knew that if I tried to fight it, it would hurt more. At 8 AM the nurse checked me again and I was at a 7/8 cm dilation.
It started getting really tough and I had my husband put pressure on my back as the contractions came. He was always holding me and telling me that I was doing a great job and letting me know that we were almost done. Still controlling my breathing at around 10 AM I was fully dilated and began to push in a squat position because I was really feeling the pressure to push. After a couple of pushes in that position I moved over to the bed. My water had not broken yet so the nurse asked if I would like for the doctor to break my water and I said yes.
Both my mom and husband saw his head crowning and saw that he was still in the bag! The doctor never made it to break my water but it was okay because on one of the pushes my water broke. It felt really good to push when a contraction was coming. My doctor arrived around 11:20 AM. As I was pushed, the baby’s heart beat would drop. His shoulder got stuck for a few minutes but he freed himself. After he was out, they cut the cord immediately and took him to the side to stimulate him to and get his heart beat consistent – it took less than a minute. Then I heard my baby cry for the first time. It was amazing! Besides the fact that I had a 3rd degree tear I am so happy with how this labor and delivery played out for me. Our baby is now 10 days old and getting bigger every day that passes. + i’m breastfeeding 😀.
Just wanted to share our story with you and wanted to thank you for an amazing class we learned a lot! Take care!
-D & J
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