
Private Childbirth & Breastfeeding Education

Providing private in-person and virtual Childbirth & Breastfeeding Classes for a positive birth experience.  Click Private Class Enquiry for more information.


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Cut Your Labor in Half!
  19 Secrets for a Faster & Easier Birth
is a childbirth course in a book,
a ‘cheat sheet’ of ideas for understanding
how the reader’s choices may impact
other aspects of birth and early motherhood
Pregnant Again? A Childbirth & Breastfeeding Refresher offers a comprehensive yet concise review of the entire process from baby bump to breast pump

Breastfeeding Doesn’t Have to Suck!
Tips, Tricks & Knowledge for a Great Experience
is a book for women worried about their
ability to feed a baby from their own bodies!
Useful before and after the birth


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Put on your dancing shoes in labor! This study concludes:Dance during labor could reduce labor pain to an extent, shorten the duration of labor, promote natural childbirth, and improve satisfaction with labor, with no adverse effects on neonatal outcomes.https://bmcpregnancychildbirth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12884-024-07132-4#learn4birth #cutyourlaborinhalf #momtobe #preggo #pregnant #pregnancy #momthesedays #motherhoodthroughinstagram #pregnancyjourney #expectingmom #preggers #preggobelly #preggersbelly #preggerslife #pregnantmama #pregnantbelly #pregnancyjourney #pregnancyblog #pregnancylife #pregnantandgrateful #parentstobe #soontobeparents #pregnancylife ... See MoreSee Less
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